Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Manly Art of Power Washing

Look at these boys. They are so happy.
I mean, honestly. Who would know that spending all day cleaning the pool deck and furniture would be that much fun......
But look at this kids face! I caught him smiling as he was working!
Boys were meant to power wash.
Wish we somehow translate that power washing love into room cleaning love.......


  1. Hahahaha! If you figure THAT out, please let me know. :)

  2. Good Morning Flower Mound!
    Though many miles separate us, I feel closer to our Texas family because of your blog! You have started a legacy that will be enjoyed by your family for years to come. Thank you for keeping proud grandparents up-to-date with our above average and good looking GRANDS!
    Love, g & g Orton
